Monday, April 11, 2011

Red Alert, More Adobe Trouble!!!

We’ve got double trouble this time. Both involve Adobe so at least there is only one place you have to go to get your updates.

First of all, a new vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player has been discovered and is actively being exploited on the Internet. In simple terms, someone has figured out how to get into your computer using a program (Flash) which works with your Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Fire Fox, Google Chrome, etc). Since these are programming issues, your anti virus will not protect you at the moment. It is too soon to tell what the infections are trying to do or look for, but Adobe is so worried about it that they have published an update. This update will probably be installed automatically on your computer within the next week, depending on how updates are scheduled for your computer. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I want to wait up to 7 days for my computer to be updated for something going on now. I recommend that you go ahead and update now manually. Here is what you do…go to and look over to the middle right side of the page you will see links for downloads. Click on the one for Adobe Flash. 

This will take you to the download page. Before you click the “Download Now” button, make sure you aren’t downloading some sort of freeware that Adobe likes to have tag along. It’s not going to damage your computer, but it’s annoying just the same. Most of the time, it’s Google tool bar or McAfee Security Scan. You don’t need either of those. Just uncheck the box for those. Then click the download and allow it to install.

The next issue is an email that seems to be making it past spam filters. It is an email entitled “Action Required-Download new Adobe Acrobat Reader…” or similar title. The copy that came to me looks like this (I made the text of the email red):


Dear Customers,

Adobe is pleased to announce new version upgrades for Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Download Now To Try Us Out

Advanced features include:

- Collaborate across borders
- Create rich, polished PDF files from any application that prints
- Ensure visual fidelity
- Encrypt and share PDF files more securely
- Use the standard for document archival and exchange

To upgrade and enhance your work productivity today, go to:

Adobe Acrobat Reader Upgrade Center

Start downloading the update right now and let us know what you think about it.

We're working on making Adobe Acrobat Reader better all the time!

Copyright 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
343 Preston Street
Ottawa, ON K1S 1N4

“Download Now To Try Us Out” and “Adobe Acrobat Reader Upgrade Center” are links to bogus web sites based in former East Germany (I disabled the links so they won’t work) that will try to infect your computer by installing a fake version of Acrobat or some other software. DO NOT DO IT! Your computer will most likely become infected if you do. This type of email relies on “human engineering” to get people to just blindly believe and click on links without considering the consequences from an unsolicited email. There is, in reality, a new version of Acrobat Reader available, just go to the same web site and download it there if you want to.

Almost all software is set to update automatically now. All of the major software makers rely on auto update so they don’t have to send out emails like this one. There are exceptions, but you should always be suspicious of emails like this that want you to download the next latest greatest version of some software you already have.

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